Novozymes has a long track record of using life cycle assessment to measure the environmental impacts of its products and support its sustainability claims.
One of the most recent studies was based on full scale production at an Indian textile mill [1]. It compared the conventional bioblasting approach, which involves separate bleach clean-up, bioblasting and dyeing steps, with an alternative approach that consolidates all three steps into one by use of the Novozymes Cellusoft Combi ®. It considered the carbon and water impacts added by introduction of Cellusoft Combi ® with the savings achieved by its use. As shown on the figure, the results showed significant net carbon and water savings for each ton of fabric produced. In addition, processing times were cut almost in half (180 mins to 100 mins) and, given the mills specific circumstances, cost savings of 25% could be achieved.
1. International Dyer, 2013, Environmental assessment of combined bioblasting (biopolishing) concept